HVAC Apprentice Enrollment Application

Active Missouri PHCC members may enroll students in the PHCC-NA E-Learning Program. The PHCC-NA E-Learning program allows for self-paced, remote learning at a rate much lower than traditional trade schools, while fulfilling all classroom hour requirements for Apprentices.  Currently the MO PHCC does not have a DOL-ETA program for HVAC (the DOL-ETA program is coming in 2023).  You can enroll students if your company has their own DOL-ETA Program.

PHCC-NA Educational Foundation E-Learning HVAC Apprenticeship Program Enrollment Form

Applicant Information

This form is only for the HVAC Apprentice Program
Applicant Full Name
*This email will be the login for the e-learning program and must be accurate to access the class.

Employer Information

Price: $2,150.00