Letter from the President

December 27, 2023

To the Association and Members of the MOPHCC.


      Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years! I want to take a moment and go through what has been happening the last few years. Where we are, where we’ve been and where we are going.

      As most of you know, we have had quite a shake up at the MOPHCC. With the departure of Ray Hefner, the Board of Directors made it a priority to take a more active role in the inner workings and daily running of your association. Tina Hefner stepped into the role as interim Executive Director to help us get to the next level. Before we could get there, she stepped down citing personal reasons. We were in quite a pickle and needed to act. Forming committees to take over the website, the e-learning, the PEU’s, the Rapids and the legal aspect of running the board, (The By-Laws), as well as the financials. Kevin Byrd did a bang up job on the website hiring a company to find a way into and taking control of the site. We were not getting any help from previous web management. Bill Haupert took over the e-learning, financials and rapids. He then hired our new MOPHCC manager Tammy Erlich. She has really taken the bull by the horns and is currently going through the e-learning and Rapids programs getting everything updated. The finances are in good shape and being updated. Rick Redington took over the PEU’s and hit a home run! Great job Rick. We were able to get PEU classes back up and running in the last quarter of 2023. This was accomplished with the help of Ray Boehm. Thanks Ray! Paul Shaffer did a great job hiring an Attorney that has been able to update the MOPHCC By-laws, which was delinquent since 2010. Thank you for your diligence Paul! Vince Byrd’s idea to get the plumbing community together has evolved into a plan to have MOPHCC days at different venues in the area. This will be a family involved event and we will advertise through the web site. Jim Ebeling has taken this task on and has been doing a great job! Thank you Jim! As you can see, this Board of Directors has taken the initiative to become a proactive Board. The association is in the best shape than we have ever been. The next steps for this board is a Strategic Planning session scheduled in March.

      If you have experienced a lapse in answered phone calls and or unanswered emails, rest assured that that should not happen again. Tammy Erlich is our new office manager and has the MOPHCC phone and laptop. Please contact her for any questions, concerns or just to say welcome aboard!

      The Christmas Party was a success and a good time was had by all. A round of applause to Paul Shaffer for the great venue. The dinner was REALLY GOOD! The Apprentice who won the MOPHCC scholarship from last year was from Bore’s Plumbing for $1,250.00. Congratulations! We will be doing the same this year for another Apprentice.

      Dues will be coming due soon. Anyone who has an apprentice in the elearning program and renews their membership by Jan. 31, 2024, will receive a $250.00 discount on each apprentice’s upcoming class. Please contact Tammy for bond renewal. Membership and fees must be paid in full to renew bonds.

      I want to now turn our attention to Vince Byrd. I want to personally thank Vince for all that he has done not just with the Board of Directors, but for all he has done in the plumbing industry in St. Louis County, City and all he will be doing for St. Charles. Vince we would not be where we are today if not for your input and tireless work! Thank You Vince! Vince has retired from the Board of Directors. He has served on this board and the plumbing industry for 25 years. He has been a great mentor and a friend. Good luck Vince on your next adventure!

      We will be reengaging our vetting procedure on getting new board members. If you are interested in being on the board please complete a letter with a short Bio and why you want to be on the board. You can then email them to the MOPHCC website to Tammy.

      Again, Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years to you and your families! Thank you for your support and understanding as we navigate new and unfamiliar waters. Keep all the board members and your brothers and sisters of this plumbing community in your prayers as you are all in my prayers.

David Smock
President MOPHCC Board of Directors